And it begins

Not sure why this intrigues me so, but I was down at Tod’s Point today (with dog-boy) and noticed the already growing pile of discarded Christmas trees. I’ve heard various excuses for why they get dumped so quickly, but honestly, does a decorated/lighted, well-watered evergreen in your living room look so bad that you must rush it out of the house?

Of course, this year, members of the Fountain family took full advantage: My visiting niece and nephew (great-nephew?) wanted a Christmas tree, so we drove around all the usual spots on December 24th, only to find everyone empty and closed down. My brother reminded me that my own blog (!) had observed that dumped trees start arriving at Tod’s Point even before December 25th. Sure enough, we got down there and found one perfect, still labeled tree, lying dead on the tarmac! We grabbed it, brought it home and decorated it, looks beautiful.

(I felt a little like poor ol’ Bob Cratchit, stealing an orange for Tiny Tim)


3 thoughts on “And it begins

  1. Gid: I admire your frugality and resourcefulness (re-stimulated as it was by bro Chris). So what does the future hold for you? Going to join EBT so you can spend real quality time with Franky?

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