The Tod’s Point Christmas Tree Dump

The first tree to be dumped, get down there fast while it's still fresh!

The first tree to be dumped, get down there fast while it’s still fresh!

I wouldn’t call it an obsession, but I do happen to be endlessly amused by the annual spectacle of the “early Christmas tree dump” that takes place in the first parking lot on the right at Tod’s Point, Greenwich’s main beach.

Greenwich is bursting at the seams with important people with multiple residences who come here to “do Christmas” for a few days, then move on to the next exciting place. The result is perfectly good Christmas trees, probably purchased, mounted, and decorated by staff, whose final task of the month is to then dispose of the no longer needed tree. The tree, probably a $100 one, still trailing bits of tinsel, makes its final journey, down to the beach, on the roof of a $90,000 SUV.

And this is where you come in: I’ve been checking these last few days and no tree had appeared until…this afternoon! This beautiful specimen has just showed up, ready to be reclaimed by a, um, thrifty Christian (one year, Susie and I grabbed one). Go down to Tod’s and grab it, haul it home, put it up and redecorate it! You’ll save money and you’ll make a sad, discarded Christmas tree very happy.