I Want This Watch

My new watch, the Garmin “Quatix”… (and see video, linked below)

I assume “Quatix” is supposed to be pronounced like the tail-end of the word “aquatics”, wouldn’t you agree? Anyway, guess what this watch will do, among its many, many features! If you fall off the boat, the watch detects this instantly, and will steer the boat back to you! Think  Lone Ranger’s horse, “Silver”, so cool.

But Gid, I hear you saying, isn’t your idea of sailing pretty much limited to sitting on the top deck (nice weather only, please), sipping rum drinks? What would you need a fancy watch like this for, exactly?

Sorry, what did you say?

Garmin Quatix, the watch that brings your boat back to you when you fall off. Hint: Christmas is just around the corner...

Garmin Quatix, the watch that brings your boat back to you when you fall off. Hint: Christmas is just around the corner…