What’s Selling RIGHT NOW in Greenwich

15 contracts in the last 7 days, and 36 properties went from contracts to “pending”. Considering the current situation, that’s an astounding level of activity. And it’s not just fleeing New Yorkers, although those numbers are way up, of course. It’s also just the normal demand coming from within the town, people wanting larger quarters, people scaling down, or just moving from one neighborhood to another.

2 Knoll Street, Riverside, $1.995M hit the market and… gone! 20 showings, fast deal.
Listing agent: Lindsey Sheehy.

If it’s this busy now, it’s going to be a truly awesome Spring market that will extend an extra month, through July. Let’s see if Gid, Wizard of Real Estate, is proved right. And for additional blather on this exciting topic, tune in weekly to my radio show, “Your Greenwich House”, Wednesdays, 10:00 AM at 1490 WGCH and WGCH.com, you will be entertained.

“Gosh, the market must be dead!”

Actually, it’s not dead, I’m amazingly busy and so are loads of other brokers.. It seems there are plenty of people out there who think this covid-19 stuff is going to end fairly soon. Maybe they’re right! A friend of mine tells me his friend, a top doc at Manhattan’s Colombia Presbyterian Hospital, says the only covid-19 number to watch is hospital admissions, and he predicts that number will peak in a few days. After that, things start to get better.

We shall see, shan’t we!

17 Willowmere Circle, Riverside, $2.695M, currently my busiest listing, averaging about two showings per day (all composed of property-walks).
1 Rogers Road, Shippan Point, Stamford, $4.495M and for rent, furnished. This is currently my second busiest listing, getting about one showing every day.

Besides this blog, you can learn a lot about what’s going on RIGHT NOW with Greenwich real estate on my radio show, every Wednesday morning, 10:00 AM. The show’s main goal is to make you laugh, but we do sneak in some truly useful real estate info, so listen on your car radio or on your mobile device, would’ja?

WGCH.com or 1490 AM on your damned radio! (that’s me on the right, broker Jon Wilcox on the left)